Business Consulting
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Executive Search
Qualitative Surveys
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Shadow Shopping
Business Overview
POWER CONSULTING AND SEARCH is a National Consulting & Executive Search Firm servicing companies in Texas and their National Locations.
Copyright © Power Consulting and Search 2012. All Rights Reserved.
Benefits to the Client
PCS Shadow Shoppers are consultative by nature and have the tenacity to go the extra step on behalf of the client to learn why an event might be occurring rather than just observing it.

External projects gather market intelligence on what your competitors are doing, finds best practice and new ideas. Internal projects confirm whether your organization participants are delivering your products or services to
market per delivery promise.
How effective are you
in bringing your products
or services to market?
What do you know...
not know...
or want to know?
PCS secretly shops your organization or your competitors, collecting & interpreting qualitative & quantitative data of the locations visited.

Key Observations and Recommendations are made in a formal presentation answering the questions of our clients and giving them the knowledge needed to make business decisions.
Office Address (by appointment only) 1 Chamber Way, Georgetown, Texas 78626
Business Surveys
The Gap Analysis
Qualitative Surveys
BPI & SOPP Audits
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